Key Takeaways
Backed up? Having a hard time pooping? 💩
🥝Did you know that eating 2 kiwis a day can help you go to the bathroom more easily?
🥝Kiwis contain soluble and insoluble fibers that help to bulk and soften stool💩. Research has shown kiwis can reduce transit time & increase the number of bowel movements
🥝Although prunes have a long history of alleviating chronic constipation (and yes, this still works for people!), according to recent research presented at the American College of Gastroenterology's ACG 2020 Virtual conference, consuming 2 kiwis per day was better tolerated than other natural remedies.
🥝These fruits are also a big win for our patients with IBS: not only can they help you get going💩, but they're also low-FODMAP!
Don't love 🥝??? No need to fret - they're amazing in smoothies.
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